
by Thomas Beutel

Month: September, 2009

Result of expression ‘document.forms[0].submit’ [[object HTMLInputElement]] is not a function.

I was trying to add a small delay into my form submission like so: <form … onsubmit=”setTimeout(‘document.forms[0].submit()’,2000);return false;”> but everytime I tried it, I got the following error: Result of expression ‘document.forms[0].submit’ [[object HTMLInputElement]] is not a function. This one had me stumped, until I realized what it was telling me… that my submit button […]

It’s like deviantART meets the App Store

John Fort over at the Big Tech Fortune blog writes about Tyrese Gibsonâ??s Mayhem which is the first digital book for sale on iTunes 9. This strikes me as something that would interest the deviantART community of digital artists and writers. Imagine selling your artistic creations to millions of iTunes users for $0.99 a pop, […]

iTunes 9: Option-click the green button to get the mini-player

The first thing I noticed when I upgraded to iTunes 9 was that clicking the minimize (green) button no longer selected the mini-player. A quick search revealed the answer: now you have to option-click the green button to get the mini-player. Thanks to Maclife for the answer.

RSSCloud: No need to adjust your firewall

I’ve been following the recent development of RSSCloud with interest… I think it has the potential to replace Twitter in the long term, although I suspect that Twitter might also evolve in the direction of RSSCloud. One misconception about RSSCloud is the supposed need for the cloud to notify the desktop or mobile reader of […]